Moonwalking Mini Beast

I wasn’t expecting to see much, but the light was right and I had that urge for a bit of adventure. Using a rustle or glitter of movement, I uncovered many magical mini monsters, spiders to bees. Then I saw this character, with moves like Moonwalking Michael Jackson, my attention was captured. Telling what end was the head from the tail was confusing, the waxy tails with dance moves are confusing. Stab! A tube shot out into the tree and it began sucking sap.This type of mouth is a proboscis, that’s how I knew it was a true bug. Occasionally it tapped its bottom or abdomen to the trunk as drop of sugary excrement was disposed of. Honeydew is the name of the substance, something ants love, so they farm true bugs for it. After a bit of detective ID work I landed on its name. This fellow is a Planthopper! It is one cool character to be watched for!

I believe it belongs in the family Eurybrachyidae.
